
Workshop "Contested History in Museums"


On September 29, the National Museum of Lithuania hosted the #EUROPAST Workshop "Contested History in Museums" during which public history researchers and practitioners engaged in co-creation and networking. Together, scientists, museum curators, guides, and educators discussed how to ensure that the complex history narratives would involve diverse groups of society and unify rather for than divide them.

The workshop was led by dr. Kristiane Janeke – a historian, researcher and practitioner with many years of experience working in German and international museums, and deep knowledge of the specificities of Eastern European museology.

We express our gratitude to memory institutions that took part in the Workshop and wish to continue this mutually beneficial cooperation!

EUROPAST #2 tinklalaidė: Archyvų galia ir viešosios istorijos tikslai


Antrojoje EUROPAST tinklalaidėje prof. Violeta Davoliūtė kalbasi su dr. Jonathan Brent – YIVO Žydų tyrimų instituto Niujorke generaliniu ir vykdančiuoju direktoriumi.



Address: Vokiečių g. 10, LT-01130, Vilnius